5 Best Off Lane Heroes in Dota 2 Patch 7.09

5 Best Off Lane Heroes in Dota 2 Patch 7.09

Februari 28, 2018 Add Comment
Off lane is one of the core positions that exist in the composition of Dota 2 team which, according to the author is more difficult than Mid Lane. Why? Because an Offlane must be strong inner and mentally resist strikes from hero support and carry opponents. Therefore, the best 5 off-lane  Hero could at least lighten the load off the laner !

Not just any hero can be placed in the top three or off lane positions , the main criterion of a hero off lane  is that he or she has to have a lot of HP or at least enough HP regeneration, an initiator, and a skill that maximizes the farming or creeping of the hero carry opponent .

Lots of famous Offlaner names that you can imitate the style of play from Un1verse, AdmiralBulldog, s4, until now the most surprising is Suma1L. They all can prove that alone without the help of support can also make opponents overwhelmed.

1. Omniknight

hero off lane best

The first best off-lane hero is Purist Thunderwrath or better known as Omniknight. The hero is often in position as support on the MMR 2k below, actually has tremendous potential if we place in position three.

He is one of many heroes who can survive well if we place in the furthest position of this ancient. Because his skill set allows him to play aggressively without fear of being knocked down by the opponent.

At the beginning of the combo game using cheap items like Magic Wand and Soul Ring, the potential battle of Omniknight can make safe lane opponent. Using Combo Purifications, Repel and Guardian Angel. Plus the slow effects of Degen Aura can make Omniknight lunge forward without fear!

2. Brewmaster

hero off lane terbaik

Next on the second number of the five best off lane hero is occupied by Mangix aka Pandaren Brewmaster. The panda champion with this drunken boxing stance is also a good choice to be placed in position three.

Having a thick enough HP at the beginning of the game, makes him able to survive the onslaught of the opponent's attack. Coupled with his two skills Drunken Brawler and Drunken Haze that makes him a high evasion level almost equivalent to Phantom Assassin, will make him even harder to hit!

Brewmaster is also an excellent off-lane hero to be an initiator or a war opener, relying on his Thunder Clap and Primal Split skills, he can make the combination of his opponent's skills go awry!

3. Tidehunter

hero off lane best

Well the third hero we will discuss as one of the best off lane hero is the long occupant of the position off laner . The monster from the depths of being the arch-enemy of Kunkka is extremely suitable to be placed in this position. Yup really Leviathan or Tidehunter!

Monster whose body shape is similar to watermelon is arguably quite thick and tough. Because the skill passive kraken his Shield that gives the effect negate to damage from the attack and skill that

He is the best hero inisator ever to date, though patches come and take turn bringing changes to the meta game, Tidehunter is still unshakeable as one of the best off-line  heroes  with Ravage's flagship skill !

4. Sand King

hero off lane best

An identical hero with a song titled sandstorm from Darude is also an old name that has been hanging out with Tidehunter as the best initiator and off-lane hero. Crixalis or Sand King is more popular, also have perfect qualifications for an (?) Off lane.

Sand King has a skill that can make carry and support the opponent feel very very disturbed. By using his Burrowstrike he can initiate and give effect stun, coupled with Caustic Finale which provides additional damage when exploded.

If all that is felt less and you see that support opponents stingy once in buying Sentry Ward, you can disrupt support opponent by using Sandstorm. This skill you can use to do farming in the jungle if you are overwhelmed because the opponent is too aggressive.

5. Tiny

hero off lane best

The final hero of the five best off-the-shelf heroes is inhabited by heroes who, according to very flexible writers, can be placed anywhere, as in one, two or three positions. Is a hero who has a name not in accordance with the size of his body, Tiny.

It's actually a bit difficult to play Tiny as an off-line , because HP and its armor are not that great. To play Tiny in off lane position you should be able to play patiently and smart to steal a chance to kill.

By way of Toss hero opponent towards the creep is still close to our tower to kill with our stun combo . But now playing Tiny has been a bit easier with his Tree Grab skill!
5 Famous People That Are Similar to Heroes in Mobile Legends

5 Famous People That Are Similar to Heroes in Mobile Legends

Februari 27, 2018 Add Comment
Every hero in Mobile Legends does look different. Some look fierce, handsome, and also beautiful. The diversity of their appearance can sometimes make us think of other characters. Like the following heroes who glance similarly to famous people. Who are they? Check out more below.

1. Fanny - Taylor Swift

Very cool!  Fifth Mobile Hero Legends It's Like The Famous People!

When viewed carefully, the most difficult hero assassin looks very similar to the singer from abroad that is Taylor Swift. From the lips to the nose all look alike! How could that be? Is this a coincidence?

2. Alucard - Froy Gutierrez

Very cool!  Fifth Mobile Hero Legends It's Like The Famous People!

The next Hero that looks alike is Alucard, the fighter hero with an amazingly high lifesteal ability. In appearance, he is very similar to one American actor Froy Gutierrez. From the face and hairstyle, the two look very much like even identical twins.

3. Bruno - Neymar Jr.

Very cool!  Fifth Mobile Hero Legends It's Like The Famous People!

The next Hero is Bruno, a marksman with his playing football skills similar to famous football player Neymar Jr. Who would have guessed that in addition to its ability, both of them appear fairly similar from both hair and facial expression.

4. Miya - Emma Watson
Very cool!  Fifth Mobile Hero Legends It's Like The Famous People!

Not only some of the above heroes, Miya was also similar to the famous actress Emma Watson. At first glance of course you can see how similar they both face is not it?

5. Kagura - Park So Eun

Very cool!  Fifth Mobile Hero Legends It's Like The Famous People!

The last Hero is Kagura that looks similar to one of Korean actress Park So Eun. The similarity of their faces is really like twins! If Park So Eun cosplay as Kagura, maybe going exactly 100% 

5 Reasons Why Lesley Becomes New Best Marksman in Mobile Legends

5 Reasons Why Lesley Becomes New Best Marksman in Mobile Legends

Februari 27, 2018 Add Comment
Since the presence of Lesley in Mobile Legends some time ago, she received considerable attention from the players, not to miss a pro player in the Mobile Legends Professional League. Not because of his beautiful appearance, but her ability is also extraordinary and can bring victory. Approximately what is the reason why Lesley so interested in the participants of this MPL league? Check out the following reviews.


1. Long Range Attack With High Damage

Lesley's passive Skill Lethal Shoot allows him to generate high damage with 130% critical damage and additional range when his passive skill is ready, either after using the skill or waiting for 5 seconds without receiving damage. It is also very synchronized with his Master of Camouflage which provides additional physical damage when used.

2. Good Mobility

In addition to providing additional physical damage, his Master of Camouflage also provides additional movement speed is very good. Lesley can either come out or get into the teamfight easily or chase the fleeing enemy.

3. Very Good As Finisher

Her ultimate skill of Ultimate Snipe makes Lesley fired four deadly bullets into the targeted hero. If an enemy is dying, he can easily direct to the enemy hero and kill him, even Fanny who is high mobility though.

4. Reliable Pusher

Thanks to his high damage, Lesley can destroy the turret faster than any hero. When coupled with Malefic Roar and other damage- supporting items , the turret can be destroyed with only 3-4 hits .

5. Has a Flexible Role

As a hero marksman and assassin , Lesley is quite flexible in terms of build, whether you want to be like a hero assassin with damage or marksman item with attack speed items . The resulting damage is as great as the priority of the item .
The Reasons Why Archer is Important in Arena of Valor!

The Reasons Why Archer is Important in Arena of Valor!

Februari 27, 2018 Add Comment
In the Arena of Valor , the selection of roles is so important that your team can be more balanced and able to win the game. Various considerations must be made to choose a hero. The selection of standard team compositions usually performed by players is 1 observer, 1 midlaner, 1 tanker, 1 jungler and 1 ADC or dealer damage. The role of an ADC is very important and must be occupied by the heroes with the highest damage, namely the hero archer.

The role of archer in the game is very important to win the game. Without his presence, the game will feel more difficult and usually takes longer. So why the archer must exist when choosing the composition of the team? Consider the following reasons.

The first reason is the Damage owned by the hero archer is very large, especially if it already has the damage items. With just a few basic attacks, they are able to kill enemy heroes quickly. Although there is a warrior hero who also has high damage, hero archers are far superior to them in terms of damage .

Obligatory!  Here's Why Why Hero Archer Must Be There When Choosing Team Composition in Arena of Valor!

The second reason besides the high damage , the range that they have also become an advantage over the dealer melee damage dealer as well as avoid crowd control during the fight team so they can hurt the enemy from a long distance. This is certainly to maximize the potential of a tanker on the front line with the ADC in the rear. This seems to be very standard in various MOBA games, is not it?

Obligatory!  Here's Why Why Hero Archer Must Be There When Choosing Team Composition in Arena of Valor!

The third reason is the thin HP. Why even the reason? Believe it or not, the enemy will surely target the hero archer first, especially if they rely on hero-warrior to approach him. This is certainly a chance to zone out the enemy ADC from their herd as long as this archer hero remains in backup by hero observer, jungler, and mage. While hero tankers can withstand the movement of enemy heroes who want to help.

Obligatory!  Here's Why Why Hero Archer Must Be There When Choosing Team Composition in Arena of Valor!

And the last reason why archers should be chosen is their job that can destroy the turret quickly. If the archer and warrior heroes are pitted against the same item , the archer hero would be superior and faster to destroy the turret because their skill is designed in such a way as to produce extraordinarily high damage , especially to the turret .
5 Reasons You Should not Die in Mobile Legends!

5 Reasons You Should not Die in Mobile Legends!

Februari 27, 2018 Add Comment
Mobile Legends is not a dingdong game that if you die you have to enter a coin to continue the game, hero you can respawn without limit on your base. But that does not mean your hero can continue to die during the game! These five reasons you guys do not often die in Mobile Legends!

It might have been a common secret for Mobile Legends players when the hero they used to die steadily and become ATMs then one obvious team would have been defeated. But there are some other important things that you also need to keep in mind when it's too often dead on Mobile Legends.

sering mati di Mobile Legends

1. Gold As Well As The Level is too Different

The first effect that can be directly felt if the hero we too often die in Mobile Legends is, the level and the acquisition of gold that will be further behind. For the level is clear, when the opponent managed to kill us, they will gain considerable exp and make leveling easier.

Then also by killing the hero of the opponent, then the acquisition of gold is clearly greater than cleaning the minions in the lane. Therefore to avoid this, as much as possible you play safe and not rushing to kill your opponent because one of them is actually you will die.

2. Can't Buy Item

The second thing that will happen if your hero is dead too often in Mobile Legends is still related to the first point. That is about the acquisition of gold, gold is one of the important resources that exist in the game that is used to buy the gear for our hero is getting stronger.

With us too often die then the acquisition of our gold is hampered and we will be left behind with the opponent. We will be hard to do farming in the lane even more so in the jungle. It causes our gear will never be! Auto lose a war!

3. Become Burden in The Team

Now for the third effect of the hero you often die in Mobile Legends more towards the moral burden that may be borne by you, but with the note that you still have the shame and sense of responsibility, if not already forget it.

If you die too often then you will automatically become a team burden. Because we know that Mobile Legends is a game that is played with cooperation to win. Therefore, if indeed you can not play a hero do not ever try! Use the hero you can to keep you from burdening.

4. Respawn Time

Need to know that your respawn time will be longer along with your level increases. Therefore your hero will be very prohibited to die when the game has entered the late game phase.

If the game enters the late game phase, a dead hero can change the game! At first you were superior, then your marksman or fighter died then you can be sure you will lose. In the absence of a buyback system and your old respawn time, your opponent will quickly destroy your turret, or your opponent can get a lord to lock the team's victory!

5. Defeat

The fifth factor is the obvious factor of all MOBA game players whether it be MOBA analog or MOBA PC know! That is defeat. All the factors mentioned above will culminate in one thing, namely defeat.

Therefore as much as the possible hero, you do not die too often. Use the hero you guys really have in order to avoid it, play in a team and compact. Then if you want to use a hero that you do not master, it's good you guys against bots first so as not to be clumsy when playing.
5 Heros that Often Die in Dota 2  Patch 7.09!

5 Heros that Often Die in Dota 2 Patch 7.09!

Februari 27, 2018 Add Comment
Playing aggressively is sometimes necessary for the opponent to feel fear and the intensity of their last hit decline, but the aggressive play also has enormous risks once failed and even we are killed. As a result, it could be like the five most deadly heroes Dota 2 in the patch 7.09!

The five most deadly heroes Dota 2 we will discuss this time, three of them are heroes who tend to have a very aggressive skill that is forward crashing towards the opponent. Usually, after successfully killing one opponent, he will immediately die invaded by the hero of the opponent who was waiting for him! who are they?

1. Huskar

Hero is most often dead

The first Hero comes from the Trolls of the Sacred Warrior alias Huskar, Huskar is a hero that has strength attributes and has a ranged attack though not too far away. Huskar is an STR hero that depends entirely on the percentage of HP-owned, the bigger the more horrible he is.

Then why the hero with this blue body gets the title of hero most often died in Dota 2? We all know that two huskar skills that are Burning Spear and Lifebreak are a skill that uses HP as a spell cost instead of where it is like most skills.

Lifebreak will reduce HP huskar by 42 percent, then after that you will attack the opponent with Burning Spear which reduces 20 HP Huskar attack once. Huskar can therefore easily be killed if he has advanced himself to do solo pick off!

2. Spirit Breaker

Hero is most often dead

Number two of the list of most commonly dead heroes Dota 2 is Barathrum aka Spirit Breaker. The hero who gets the nickname Space Cow is indeed very often dead when the play is too eager to kill the hero of the opponent.

This skill is good for initiation to start a war or to kidnap an enemy who is alone in the lane. But the problem is, we do not know whether the current opponent is a trap or not. And often it is a trap that makes Spirit Breaker very easy to kill.

3. Shadow Shaman

Hero is most often dead

In the third place is occupied by the snake charmer, as hero support is already natural if it becomes the target of hero core opponents. Shadow Shaman is always a choice of Dota 2 players in the patch this time also must bear the title of hero most often die.

Hero support this one is classified as macho because hero support that can destroy the opponent tower without complicated than Chen with his Mass Serpent Ward skill. This hero is also a disabler and a nuker that really annoying if left off when the war happens.

Therefore he was always the first target of the carry opponent so that at the time of war he did not have time to issue his Mass Serpent Ward. Since Shadow Shaman is too squishy then killing it is not a difficult thing if we have BKB or Basher.

4. IO

Hero paling sering mati

The fourth list of heroes most often dead Dota 2 is Whisp aka Io. This light blue ballerina has an STR attribute or strength. But unlike the other STR heroes, the hero is not positioned as an offlaner, initiator or even carry but placed in a support position.

Then what makes this hero most dead? This one has a skill that makes the team super strong with its Tether and Overcharges. Because it does not have to disable skills like other support, while doing Tether he is prone to be the target of hero carry opponents.

Then the ultimate of Io Relocations is able to move Io and hero he Tether to a certain position and is usually used to perform ganking. But not infrequently these skills are used to save our cores that are hit by ganking. Well at the time of this rescue if the war can not be won, then Io will decide Tether then he will return again to the last position he did Relocations where the opponent was waiting to kill him.

5. Pudge

The last hero of the list of five most commonly drowned hero Dota 2 is the fat man Butcher aka Pudge. The hero who became very attached to a superstar Na'Vi Dendi gets the predicate most often died for several things.

Aggressive games that are often applied also become one of the reasons why he often died on this 7.09 patch. At the beginning of the game, Pudge kill is not a difficult thing, because the armor and magic defense is still fairly small. And when he uses Root it sometimes backfires for him.

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Because the damage he receives becomes larger when he uses Root, because this skill also gives a percentage of damage to Pudge when he uses it. Also Pudge is often used to play aggressively by using Dagger to do Dismember.
5 Evidences Fortnite More Popular than PUBG!

5 Evidences Fortnite More Popular than PUBG!

Februari 27, 2018 Add Comment
The phenomenon of booming game battle royale game is still felt until early this year 2018. But not the king of PUBG who got the spotlight, but his "pupil" is Fortnite! Some parties do claim that PUBG still has a good future for a game. However, based on the data below, it is evident that this time Fortnite succession PUBG in terms of popularity!

PUBG's own Bluehole studio design had skyrocketed in popularity last year and brought the battle royale game genre into a champion over the already popular MOBA and FPS games.

Soon many other developers are trying to build their own battle royale game, one of which is Fortnite made by Epic Games. Had an argument and say impersonator by Bluehole, are some facts that explain why Fortnite succession PUBG today!

1. Fortnite Viewers are Always Higher Than PUBG

forcing up pubg

Esport is meaningless in the absence of an audience, so popularity and the number of viewers can often be used as a reference to assess whether the game is accepted by the public or not.

PUBG had dominated the number of viewers in Twitch in the period 2017 yesterday, but now, Fortnite often perches in the top viewer's ranks than PUBG, even compared to any game! This is an early indication that shows that Fortnite succession PUBG.

2. Record Number of Active Fortnite Players Beating PUBG

forcing up pubg

The next indication of Fortnite succession PUBG is active Werner record Fortnite managed to overtake the record PUBG. PUBG itself had a great time where they reported that managed to get the number 3 million current player. Figures are fantastic where Dota 2 alone can only reach the number 1.2 is also a player.

Unfortunately, the record did not last long where Fortnite managed to record 3.4 million current players, the difference of 400 thousand people compared with PUBG. This shows that Frotnite started ogled by the battle royale game lovers!

3. Increased Fortnite Spelled Extraordinary

forcing up pubg

Since introducing their battle royale mode, Fortnite can hook quite a lot of players significantly. Within two weeks of the announcement, they have recorded 10 million players! Wow! Now after about 5 months of releasing battle royale mode, Fortnite managed to record total 40 million players! This means an increase of about 200 thousand players per day! Edan!

4. Number of PUBG Players Starts Declining

forcing up pubg

On the other hand, an incredible number of Fortnite players, the number of PUBG players declined for the first time this month. The latest data shows a 10% reduction of the number of players in the PUBG game. Indeed, when the issue of mass tires for cheaters run PUBG has lost quite a lot of players. But beyond that, Fortnite has an extraordinary advantage that makes Fortnite PUBG follow .

First is Fortnite can be played for free, compare with PUBG that sells for $ 30. Secondly, PUBG cooperates with Xbox while Fortnite with PS4. In number, PS4 is 2: 1 compared to Xbox. That is, Fortnite players via the console will beat PUBG console players!

5. Developer PUBG Doesn't Innovate Continuously

forcing up pubg

This last problem is the most highlighted by many people. Bluehole studios are considered slow to innovate and keep players interested in playing their games. As we know that until now PUBG still in early access stage , meaning not full release . Unlike Fortnite which has full release and offers a complete feature for the players.

The epic game itself is quite agile to overcome the various bugs or cheats reported by the players, in contrast to Bluehole who spend a lot of time just to clean the cheat only and make development PUBG hampered.

Not to mention, Bluehole considered failing to take advantage of the momentum to roll PUBG into an esport game. Uncomfortable watch features, not the FPS or TPS modes used, as well as game models that still provide benefits for passive players and are reluctant to fight to make audiences saturate.