Mobile Legends is not a dingdong game that if you die you have to enter a coin to continue the game, hero you can respawn without limit on your base. But that does not mean your hero can continue to die during the game! These five reasons you guys do not often die in Mobile Legends!
It might have been a common secret for Mobile Legends players when the hero they used to die steadily and become ATMs then one obvious team would have been defeated. But there are some other important things that you also need to keep in mind when it's too often dead on Mobile Legends.

1. Gold As Well As The Level is too Different
The first effect that can be directly felt if the hero we too often die in Mobile Legends is, the level and the acquisition of gold that will be further behind. For the level is clear, when the opponent managed to kill us, they will gain considerable exp and make leveling easier.
Then also by killing the hero of the opponent, then the acquisition of gold is clearly greater than cleaning the minions in the lane. Therefore to avoid this, as much as possible you play safe and not rushing to kill your opponent because one of them is actually you will die.
2. Can't Buy Item
The second thing that will happen if your hero is dead too often in Mobile Legends is still related to the first point. That is about the acquisition of gold, gold is one of the important resources that exist in the game that is used to buy the gear for our hero is getting stronger.
With us too often die then the acquisition of our gold is hampered and we will be left behind with the opponent. We will be hard to do farming in the lane even more so in the jungle. It causes our gear will never be! Auto lose a war!
3. Become Burden in The Team
Now for the third effect of the hero you often die in Mobile Legends more towards the moral burden that may be borne by you, but with the note that you still have the shame and sense of responsibility, if not already forget it.
If you die too often then you will automatically become a team burden. Because we know that Mobile Legends is a game that is played with cooperation to win. Therefore, if indeed you can not play a hero do not ever try! Use the hero you can to keep you from burdening.
4. Respawn Time
Need to know that your respawn time will be longer along with your level increases. Therefore your hero will be very prohibited to die when the game has entered the late game phase.
If the game enters the late game phase, a dead hero can change the game! At first you were superior, then your marksman or fighter died then you can be sure you will lose. In the absence of a buyback system and your old respawn time, your opponent will quickly destroy your turret, or your opponent can get a lord to lock the team's victory!
5. Defeat
The fifth factor is the obvious factor of all MOBA game players whether it be MOBA analog or MOBA PC know! That is defeat. All the factors mentioned above will culminate in one thing, namely defeat.
Therefore as much as the possible hero, you do not die too often. Use the hero you guys really have in order to avoid it, play in a team and compact. Then if you want to use a hero that you do not master, it's good you guys against bots first so as not to be clumsy when playing.