Playing aggressively is sometimes necessary for the opponent to feel fear and the intensity of their last hit decline, but the aggressive play also has enormous risks once failed and even we are killed. As a result, it could be like the five most deadly heroes Dota 2 in the patch 7.09!
The five most deadly heroes Dota 2 we will discuss this time, three of them are heroes who tend to have a very aggressive skill that is forward crashing towards the opponent. Usually, after successfully killing one opponent, he will immediately die invaded by the hero of the opponent who was waiting for him! who are they?
1. Huskar

The first Hero comes from the Trolls of the Sacred Warrior alias Huskar, Huskar is a hero that has strength attributes and has a ranged attack though not too far away. Huskar is an STR hero that depends entirely on the percentage of HP-owned, the bigger the more horrible he is.
Then why the hero with this blue body gets the title of hero most often died in Dota 2? We all know that two huskar skills that are Burning Spear and Lifebreak are a skill that uses HP as a spell cost instead of where it is like most skills.
Lifebreak will reduce HP huskar by 42 percent, then after that you will attack the opponent with Burning Spear which reduces 20 HP Huskar attack once. Huskar can therefore easily be killed if he has advanced himself to do solo pick off!
2. Spirit Breaker

Number two of the list of most commonly dead heroes Dota 2 is Barathrum aka Spirit Breaker. The hero who gets the nickname Space Cow is indeed very often dead when the play is too eager to kill the hero of the opponent.
This skill is good for initiation to start a war or to kidnap an enemy who is alone in the lane. But the problem is, we do not know whether the current opponent is a trap or not. And often it is a trap that makes Spirit Breaker very easy to kill.
3. Shadow Shaman

In the third place is occupied by the snake charmer, as hero support is already natural if it becomes the target of hero core opponents. Shadow Shaman is always a choice of Dota 2 players in the patch this time also must bear the title of hero most often die.
Hero support this one is classified as macho because hero support that can destroy the opponent tower without complicated than Chen with his Mass Serpent Ward skill. This hero is also a disabler and a nuker that really annoying if left off when the war happens.
Therefore he was always the first target of the carry opponent so that at the time of war he did not have time to issue his Mass Serpent Ward. Since Shadow Shaman is too squishy then killing it is not a difficult thing if we have BKB or Basher.
4. IO

The fourth list of heroes most often dead Dota 2 is Whisp aka Io. This light blue ballerina has an STR attribute or strength. But unlike the other STR heroes, the hero is not positioned as an offlaner, initiator or even carry but placed in a support position.
Then what makes this hero most dead? This one has a skill that makes the team super strong with its Tether and Overcharges. Because it does not have to disable skills like other support, while doing Tether he is prone to be the target of hero carry opponents.
Then the ultimate of Io Relocations is able to move Io and hero he Tether to a certain position and is usually used to perform ganking. But not infrequently these skills are used to save our cores that are hit by ganking. Well at the time of this rescue if the war can not be won, then Io will decide Tether then he will return again to the last position he did Relocations where the opponent was waiting to kill him.
5. Pudge
The last hero of the list of five most commonly drowned hero Dota 2 is the fat man Butcher aka Pudge. The hero who became very attached to a superstar Na'Vi Dendi gets the predicate most often died for several things.
Aggressive games that are often applied also become one of the reasons why he often died on this 7.09 patch. At the beginning of the game, Pudge kill is not a difficult thing, because the armor and magic defense is still fairly small. And when he uses Root it sometimes backfires for him.
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Because the damage he receives becomes larger when he uses Root, because this skill also gives a percentage of damage to Pudge when he uses it. Also Pudge is often used to play aggressively by using Dagger to do Dismember.