Off lane is one of the core positions that exist in the composition of Dota 2 team which, according to the author is more difficult than Mid Lane. Why? Because an Offlane must be strong inner and mentally resist strikes from hero support and carry opponents. Therefore, the best 5 off-lane Hero could at least lighten the load off the laner !
Not just any hero can be placed in the top three or off lane positions , the main criterion of a hero off lane is that he or she has to have a lot of HP or at least enough HP regeneration, an initiator, and a skill that maximizes the farming or creeping of the hero carry opponent .
Lots of famous Offlaner names that you can imitate the style of play from Un1verse, AdmiralBulldog, s4, until now the most surprising is Suma1L. They all can prove that alone without the help of support can also make opponents overwhelmed.
1. Omniknight

The first best off-lane hero is Purist Thunderwrath or better known as Omniknight. The hero is often in position as support on the MMR 2k below, actually has tremendous potential if we place in position three.
He is one of many heroes who can survive well if we place in the furthest position of this ancient. Because his skill set allows him to play aggressively without fear of being knocked down by the opponent.
At the beginning of the combo game using cheap items like Magic Wand and Soul Ring, the potential battle of Omniknight can make safe lane opponent. Using Combo Purifications, Repel and Guardian Angel. Plus the slow effects of Degen Aura can make Omniknight lunge forward without fear!
2. Brewmaster

Next on the second number of the five best off lane hero is occupied by Mangix aka Pandaren Brewmaster. The panda champion with this drunken boxing stance is also a good choice to be placed in position three.
Having a thick enough HP at the beginning of the game, makes him able to survive the onslaught of the opponent's attack. Coupled with his two skills Drunken Brawler and Drunken Haze that makes him a high evasion level almost equivalent to Phantom Assassin, will make him even harder to hit!
Brewmaster is also an excellent off-lane hero to be an initiator or a war opener, relying on his Thunder Clap and Primal Split skills, he can make the combination of his opponent's skills go awry!
3. Tidehunter

Well the third hero we will discuss as one of the best off lane hero is the long occupant of the position off laner . The monster from the depths of being the arch-enemy of Kunkka is extremely suitable to be placed in this position. Yup really Leviathan or Tidehunter!
Monster whose body shape is similar to watermelon is arguably quite thick and tough. Because the skill passive kraken his Shield that gives the effect negate to damage from the attack and skill that
He is the best hero inisator ever to date, though patches come and take turn bringing changes to the meta game, Tidehunter is still unshakeable as one of the best off-line heroes with Ravage's flagship skill !
4. Sand King

An identical hero with a song titled sandstorm from Darude is also an old name that has been hanging out with Tidehunter as the best initiator and off-lane hero. Crixalis or Sand King is more popular, also have perfect qualifications for an (?) Off lane.
Sand King has a skill that can make carry and support the opponent feel very very disturbed. By using his Burrowstrike he can initiate and give effect stun, coupled with Caustic Finale which provides additional damage when exploded.
If all that is felt less and you see that support opponents stingy once in buying Sentry Ward, you can disrupt support opponent by using Sandstorm. This skill you can use to do farming in the jungle if you are overwhelmed because the opponent is too aggressive.
5. Tiny

The final hero of the five best off-the-shelf heroes is inhabited by heroes who, according to very flexible writers, can be placed anywhere, as in one, two or three positions. Is a hero who has a name not in accordance with the size of his body, Tiny.
It's actually a bit difficult to play Tiny as an off-line , because HP and its armor are not that great. To play Tiny in off lane position you should be able to play patiently and smart to steal a chance to kill.
By way of Toss hero opponent towards the creep is still close to our tower to kill with our stun combo . But now playing Tiny has been a bit easier with his Tree Grab skill!