Some Heroes That are Difficult to Attack in DOTA 2

Februari 23, 2018
Main Dota 2 is indeed exciting, but it can make annoyed too! Especially when you meet hero Dota 2 hard to attack for various reasons! Although the back end of Dota 2 has ensured that the hero's hitbox has a uniform size, the ranks of Dota 2 heroes are hard to attack yet can still make angry because it's hard to land a clean hit without having a problem at all!

1. The Hero is Very Small!

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For players who just tried Dota 2 must sometimes confuse when about to make this hero because of its smaller size than the other Dota 2 hero!

Some Dota 2 heroes are hard to attack because of their small size including Sniper, Clinkz, Bounty Hunter, Dark Seer, and Riki. But the most deceptive is Pugna! In addition to its small size, it also has almost the same color as the Radiant creep.

No wonder that for new players Pugna is often regarded as a Radiant creep because the size and color are almost the same! Not to mention the Decrepify skill that makes it impossible to attack using physical attack! KZL really!

2. Too Many Heroes!

armor dota 2

Well, the ranks of hero Dota 2 hard to attack next have problems with the amount. Often these heroes come with very many troops! Make confused want to attack which, finally even the wrong attack! Hero-hero illusion based such as Terrorblade, Dragon Siren , Chaos Knight, Phantom Lancer, Meepo , also Shadow Demon often make players confused to attack the hero of the opponent because there are many illusions of the hero.

There are also heroes with a summoned unit based such as Lycan, Treant Protector, Enigma, also Visage which often confuses them because they bring units ready to make the arena of combat getting crowded and many targets to be attacked!

Anyway, if you intend to attack hero in this list, you have to make sure your PC has sufficient specifications to avoid lag or drop FPS because of the number of heroes scattered on the map! To be able to land a clean hit on Dota 2 hero is hard to attack at the top cannot use the usual way! But most importantly, you need to have the appropriate tools to play Dota 2 to get you out of the FPS drop, low-resolution graphic, or system lag that makes you harder to attack the hero!

3. The Hero is so Agile!

Just like a thief, Dota 2 hero is hard to attack is also very slippery and can make you gregetan to chase him, especially if you intend to attack him in the usual way! Hero like Weaver , Anti-Mage , Puck, Slardar, Mirana, Slark, also Windranger can make the new Dota 2 players confused to do the hit because the hero is very agile and can move to and fro very quickly!

To land a clean hit on the Dota 2 hero this type of difficulty, you first need to make sure that your screen resolution is wide enough to be able to see the map more leverage. Then do not forget to buy utility items like Ward and Sentry to track the existence of these slick heroes! Lastly, use items with Root effects like Rod of Atos or items with Silence effects like Orchid Malevolence! The item can make the thief dead lice!

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