1. Disadvantages and Advantages

Nothing is perfect in this world, nor are characters in a video game. Tigreal that looks very strong and like without a gap also has weaknesses. As the hero tank, in general, follows the weaknesses and advantages of Tigreal.
Output damage is small
Movement speed is low
Depending on the gear to become a tank of the skeleton
Hero tanks that can be used for crowd control
Hero tanks that can be used for attack initiation
Hero tank with physical armor and high magical armor
2. Gear build

The main focus of Tigreal use is as a tank as well as an initiator. As much as possible you do build that really focuses on the addition of armor and max HP. This is so that you are not affected by the effects of instadeath or immediately die when you hit the opponent.
In order for your Tigreal to become more tense and tanky, you can focus on building gear that gives physical armor and HP regeneration effects. Therefore the gear that you can build is Warrior Boots, Demon Advent, Oracle, Blade Armor, Bloodthirsty King, and last Heart of Steel.
Remember, never ever build a gear attack for Tigreal. Because it's useless at all! Here is a brief description of each gear.
- Warrior Boots: It is a cheap gear that gives tanky effect at the beginning of the game because of the additional given armor.
- Demon Advent: It is the first gear armor you should immediately build, providing additional HP and physical armor and deter effects that can reduce your opponent's attacks.
- Oracle: This is also a mandatory gear for each tank, as it gives HP regeneration effect when you are attacked.
- Blade Armor: This gear provides a very large physical armor that is 90 physical armor and this gear can reflect basic attack opponent by 25 percent.
- Bloodthirsty King: This one gear can provide a huge boosting HP that is 1550 points, and if you can kill or assist, 20 percent of your phone will recover.
- Heart of Steel: The most slippery of the heroes of the opponent's assassin is their critical rate, therefore this gear can reduce the critical rate of the opponent and you are also getting harder.
3. Skill

As we know that Tigreal is a hero tank as well as a super- kerf initiation, and the weakness that is owned is a small damage output. Therefore it is very difficult for Tigreal to do solo pick off or solo kill.
If you play Tigreal, you should not be afraid to go ahead of the opponent to open or start the clash. You can do combos in the following way.
First use the skill Sacred Hammer you to come closer towards the opponent, skill, this is skill disable you have. Charge your opponent with this skill then at the moment about the opponent, press once again to get your opponent hit by airborne status.
Both use the ultimate Implosion skill, it would be great if your Sacred Hammer skill is capable of more than one. When you use Implosion your opponent will be within a certain radius will get stun and can be followed up by team members.
Third after you use the two skills above, you can use attack wave. Because the attack Tigreal little real skill is not very effect. But it never hurts to try your luck, who knows you can get one or two kill at the time of clash happened!