If you can be honest, it is actually quite difficult to get complete data about the mechanism of numbers in AoV. Therefore, the video on the discussion of this armor pierce AoV could be important information about the workings of items and Arcana in AoV!
Armor pierce AoV itself can be imported "through the armor/shield." It turns out that the number of items provided or Arcana to this effect has a different mechanism and workings! How does it work?
First, the armor referred to in AoV is physical def. This means that the pierce armor will reduce the physical deff effect possessed by the opponent.
Second, like most MOBA games, physical deff or armor has curves. From the video we can know the curve with the numbers as follows:
464 physical deff = 43.4% damage reduction (0.09)
571 physical deff = 46% damage reduction (0.08)
767 physical deff = 56.1% damage reduction (0.07)
From these figures, it can be concluded that increasing the physical deff number does not necessarily reduce the number of attacks received linearly. The higher the physical deff number, the less damage reduction can be generated.
Well from that number, we can wisely choose the AOV armor pierce item we need to fight the enemy! The choice is Muramasa or Spear of Longinus! Both of these items have similar work but are not the same.
Spear of Longinus works by lowering the physical deff number, while Murasa's working period by lowering the rate directly. Here's the full explanation:

This is the calculation for the Muramasa item. This figure consists of 767 physical deffs owned by the hero of the opponent. Using the Muramasa item with a 40% AoV armor pierce, the armor will be 460 points remaining equal to 43.4% only.
When the affected hero armor pierce AOV of Muramasa is exposed to physical damage amounting to 313, then the damage will be accepted by the hero opponent is 177 physical damage due to reduced 43.4% armor owned.

While this is the number of items Spear of Longinus. In the maximum hit number , this item will decrease 250 physical deff points of the opponent. With the same number, there will be 517 points remaining equal to 46% armor.
When hit with physical deff worth 313, the damage the enemy will receive is 169.
The conclusion? The figure illustrates that to penetrate a thick enemy armor , use the Muramasa item. Spear of Longinus is not very good if you intend to target the hero tank with high physical deff !
Finally, remember that Spear of Longinus requires 5 stacks to work best. So for heroes like Violet who do not rely on attack speed, Muramasa better than Spear of Longinus!