5 Heroes That Are Often Banned in Ranked Mobile Legends

Februari 10, 2018
Defeat is something that has been experienced by the player Mobile Legends . Note that defeat when playing ML can be caused by many factors. Several factors such as the selection of heroes and teamwork into the things you need to consider before the game. Well, in addition to two factors, there is another factor which is very annoying and most hated, the hero is banned. There are some heroes that are often exposed to banned when used to compete in vogue ranked .

1. Lancelot

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There are many who suspect if the hero as famous as Lancelot is one of the many heroes who frequently been banned in vogue ranked. Not without reason, Lancelot has frequently been banned because of its ability that tends over when used to compete. Moreover, hero -type Assassin can become Invincible or invulnerable for a while when activating the skill "Thorne Rose". Therefore, do not be surprised if Lancelot often affected banned .

2. Kagura

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One hero sexy this one also often be banned when used in modes ranked . He was Kagura, hero -type Mage wielding magic umbrella as its flagship. Hero, this one can be very dangerous if used by a player who has been a pro Mobile Legends. Because, Kagura has cast magic to damage a fairly large and can slow down the enemy for up to 50%. Skill Kagura quite dangerous, among others, is Seimeri Umbrella Open and Yin Yang Overturn.

3. Zhask

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There is one more hero -type Mage who frequently been banned from fashion ranked , hero is Zhask. The hero is known for its extraordinary strength. Just imagine, Zhask has 5 skill at a time (1 skill passive and four skill is active). Some of the skills of Zhask which makes frequently been banned , among others, is Nightmaric Spawn (summon a monster to attack the hero and tower) And Doppelganger Of Insect (trap insects that could explode like mine). In addition, Zhask can also explode when it dies and left damage to nearby enemies.

4. Diggie

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Hero owl-type support with the characteristic of glasses, it is also often be banned . Diggie can be very dangerous for players who use a hero like Akai. Therefore, Diggie is one hero who can do the counter to Akai . Moreover, Ultimate Skill belong hero who 'can not die' is able to make the whole immune to control effects . And also, skill such as Time Bomb is able to produce the effect of slow and stun the enemy.

5. Akai

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Akai is a hero shaped panda known difficult to defeat on the battlefield. Therefore, hero -type tankers are subscribed banned when used in modes ranked . Ultimate Skill him the Tank Meat can turn it into a fast rolling ball to be dropped enemies. Not to mention, the skill can be put out magic damage and eliminate the debuff . In addition, skills such as Thousand Pounder can cause physical damage and the effects of slow to 50%.

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