5 Deadly Beautiful Heroes in Mobile Legends

Februari 14, 2018
Can not be denied, Mobile Legends to date still continues become favorite of the lovers of MOBA on Android. For those of you who claim to often play this game must know dong with the hottest and deadly heroes that exist in Mobile Legends. For those of you who are curious about what heroes are the hottest and deadly in Mobile Legends, this time I will encapsulate for you. 

1. Kagura


Kagura is a fairly popular hero mage, with three skill possessed, Kagura becomes more appealing. Although Kagura looks weak, this hero has a deadly skill, with special damage specialization Kagura becomes the most effective killer for her opponent. With his first skill, Kagura throws an umbrella into the designated spot so that it will generate magic damage and 60% movement speed reduction against the affected enemy. On the second skill, leaving the umbrella Kagura able to jump to the desired place.

2. Karina


Karina is a hero assassin who can finish off her enemy quickly. The role of the hero is very important in a team, especially to execute the enemy before escaping. This hero has "* 4 skins ** that you can use and all when used will increase the elegance and beauty of Karina. In the first skill, Karina will enter elusiveness mode for 3 seconds, in this mode, the basic attack opponent is not ngaruhnya-ngaruhnya. Skill will also increase the speed of motion as much as 35% Karina.

3. Odette


Odette if she is really in the real world, you might be interested in this one hero. Odette who is a hero mage, supposedly said she was inspired by Swan Light who appeared as a ballerina figure with a deadly disable skill area. Damage given by Odette is not burst damage but DPS, with the right skill and item satisfaction Odette can compete with other hero magic like Harley or Karina. Well, as a magic goose magic that Odette issued was also a goose. Duh, really unique! But do not be wrong because of his skill is able to provide deadly magic damage and reduce movement speed against the enemies.

4. Natalia


Natalia is a hero who is also not less beautiful than others. Natalia is also a hero assassin who has the ability to make herself invisible. In assassin mode, Natalia can kill hero dealer damage from behind. There are some skins that you can use if using this hero, all, of course, will add to the beauty of this one hero.

Other skills possessed by this hero is also no less great, Natalia can issue in a place that can give a slow effect on the enemy as much as 65%. And if Natalia is in the smoke, then the attack speed will increase so that Natalia can by dispels the basic attack from the enemy.

5. Miya


Although it looks beautiful and soft but does not doubt the considerable damage from hero marksman this one. This hero you can count on to kill enemies quickly. Some skins are owned also can make it look more beautiful. On the first skill, Miya arrow will split in two and able to attack two targets at once, in addition to this skill will also increase 30% basic damage for 4 seconds. Then, on the second skill Miya will shower an area with a special arrow, and when the enemy to the area then the speed of motion will be reduced, if hit by 4 times the enemy will be stun for 1 second.

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