5 Animals that Can Survive in Lava

Februari 24, 2018
The beauty of nature can instantly change with the terrible natural disasters. One of the disasters that can destroy the beauty of nature is the volcanic eruption. You must already know that magma comes from the earth's bowels and lava is a magma that has come out from the bowels of the earth. But, did you know that there are animals living in the Lava? You must not believe that magma or lava has a temperature of 700 to 1300 degrees Celsius that can melt aluminum to iron. Then, how can there be animals that can live in or around it? 

1. Martil Sharks and Silk Sharks

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The National Geographic team revealed the fact that there are two species of sharks that live around the most active undersea volcano on earth. At that time, several scientists on the National Geographic expedition examined the mountain environment beneath the sea of Kavachi in the remote part of the Solomon Islands.

They unveiled a self-designed camera robot costing hundreds of dollars to a depth of 45 meters and surprisingly a hammerhead and a silk shark was caught on camera. This crater is believed to be temperatures around 80 degrees Celsius and the water is not possible to live in the fish. The results of this discovery is still a debate.

2. Lobster

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In addition to sharks there are still marine animals that survive in the crater of the Lobster. Lobster species is still a mystery of its kind that is confusing. The lobster is able to survive in an open crater at a depth of 700 meters with a hot temperature of up to 100 degrees Celsius.

The research team concluded if the lobster is likely stuck and difficult to move. Since it is not found in the plot, many assume that it is only separate and trying to survive here.

3. Worms

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This is not an ordinary worm but a Polychaeta worm that lives at a depth of 1200 meters on a dark and muddy seafloor. Polychaeta is also one of the most successful animals found in the crater of an undersea volcano in northern New Zealand. Although his size is only 10 cm and eat plankton, but he is known as an aggressive predator.

In addition to inhibiting the dark sea, Polychaeta worms are also able to live with high pressure and hot temperatures of about 107 degrees Celsius. So, do not be surprised if scientists can find these worms live in the crater of the sea.

4. Black Dragonfish

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Black Dragonfish including one that can survive in extreme temperatures. Researchers claim that this species is able to face temperatures up to 140 degrees Celsius. No wonder if they are easy to find in an active sea volcano with a depth of 2000 meters. From its horrible appearance, it is seen if this one species is an aggressive predator that can bite its prey quickly. He can light up in the dark like fireflies.

5. Manta Rays

manta ray

Who would have thought if these marine butterfly animals also turned out to live in heat. Manta Rays are commonly found in tropical and sub-tropical regions. They are rarely found in cold areas such as northern or southern waters. They used to live in warm seas above 20 degrees Celsius to be exactly 60 to 80 degrees Celsius so it is not strange if the species were found near the sea or perhaps in the lava areas that fell from the ground to the sea because Manta Rays also known as sea animals that often migrate and is known not to survive in one location only.

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