Program recovery passwords untuk mencari password yang tersimpan di aplikasi yang terinstall di sistem anda. Dimana diketahui dapat melakukan recovery password dari 100 program yag berbeda. Dan dapat berjalan di program yang sudah biasa umum dipakai seperti Firefox, Microsoft Outlook, Google Chrome, Opera, IE, The Bat, dan banyak lainnya, semua daftar program bisa dilihat di web resminya. Setelah proses scan selesei , anda dapat mengamati setiap daftar yang dapat ditampilkan lebih besar. Semua data bisa dengan mudah di ekspor ke format text, dokumen PDF, tabel XML, dan lain - lainnya. Nuclear Coffee Recover Passwords dapat men-scan kedua antara lokal dan remote komputer, dan dapat melakukan scaning di berbagai komputer sekaligus.
Recover Passwords Fitur :
- Recover passwords from 108 installed software programs, including such popular programs as Mozilla Firefox, MSN Messenger, Microsoft Outlook, etc.
- As additional feature retrieves usernames, and any other related information if available.
- Export recovered data to Text file, HTML, Word, Excel, PDF, CSV, XML or tab separated files.
- Scan remote network computer without installing anything on remote PC.
- Scan all network computers. You can enter IP range, list of IPs or just list of computer names (useful for those who're using DHCP server).
- Recover Passwords can scan multiple remote PCs at the same time; this will save you a lot of time.
- Nice looking intuitive user interface, but with solid amount of options.
- Easy customizable and nice looking printing.
- Free and friendly technical support. We add any possible software to Recover Passwords at your request.
- Working on Windows NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 and available in 18 languages.