History Behind the Names of Heroes in Mobile Legends

Februari 25, 2018
Every hero in Mobile Legends has a name that is quite unique and very describes the appearance and ability. The name certainly has its origins even mystery that makes some people curious. As the fifth name of this hero who successfully revealed the WorldGames team.

1. Aurora

Finally Disintegrated!  Here are 5 Name Hero in Mobile Legends Who Have Origin and Mystery!

A mage tangible ice woman this one turned out to have a name that is closely related to the appearance of guys ! For information, the Aurora is a natural phenomenon that resembles a glowing glow on the ionospheric layer of a planet as a result of the interaction between the planet's magnetic field and the charged particles emitted by the sun. Maybe you're just dizzy read ya guys ? But this natural phenomenon is more common in cold and devoid of life loh ! One of them is Alaska that you can imagine for yourself how cold the place is. The location of this natural occurrence may be the main reason why Aurora berelemen ice.

2. Alucard

Finally Disintegrated!  Here are 5 Name Hero in Mobile Legends Who Have Origin and Mystery!

This handsome Hero fighter one also has the same name with one of the anime characters in Hellsing as well as in a game series called Castlevania. The name refers to the figure of a person with the ability of half Dracula alias the blood-sucking devil. I think it really depicts this one hero who has a pretty big lifesteal! Its own name is also an anagram game or random word from ' Dracula '. Try reading Alucard's name from behind!

3. Eudora

If you see Eudora, of course, this one woman's hero is very identical with lightning. All his skills are related to lightning, ranging from skill to ultimate. But do you know if this name was quite contrary to its origin? Based on ancient Greek mythology, Eudora is the Oceanids, the son of Oceanus who is closely related to water and the ocean.

4. Zilong

Finally Disintegrated!  Here are 5 Name Hero in Mobile Legends Who Have Origin and Mystery!

If you have been playing Mobile Legends long enough, maybe you already know if Zilong had had 2 different names before, that is Zhao Yun then replaced with Yun Zhao before it finally ended now. Maybe you're wondering why he changed his name until many times right? Quoted from detik.com, when Zhao Yun's transformation into Yun Zhao is not a matter of copyright, but pronunciation from China, the Mobile Legends origin country that often flips the name of the clan. For information, the name of the clan in China is always ahead and the clan name of Zhao Yun is Yun. 

The next reason why Yun Zhao renamed Zilong was again not because of copyright as you think! But to make this one hero look more unique in terms of names because Zhao Yun or even Yun Zhao has been very popular in various games that take the theme of Three Kingdom such as  Dynasty Warrior. Zilong's name was eventually used to look different from others but still refers to one character of the story. It was informed directly by Fendy Tan, Overseas Operations Manager Moonton.

5. Lolita

Finally Disintegrated!  Here are 5 Name Hero in Mobile Legends Who Have Origin and Mystery!

Hero tank at once supports this one also turned out to have the appearance and the name of the match! Lolita look like a girl elf teenager who is gorgeous and has a body of an adult but her face at a glance like a small child. Apparently, even his name describes him! If translated from English, Lolita means a young girl who is physically mature physically before her time.

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